Australian selling stuff online

If you want to sell things online, the best way to do it is by using classifieds websites. You can either use a free classifieds website or a paid one. If you are looking for a free one, we recommend that you use Craigslist and AusClassified(Yes, we are of-course going to advertise our website here šŸ˜). If you are looking for a paid website, we recommend that you use Amazon’s Marketplace.

If you have an e-store for your business and want to sell something online, then the best way is by using your own website to make it happen. You can also create an e-store on sites like Shopify or Etsy if you don’t have your own site.

Using e-stores

The internet is a great place to find buyers for your products. You can sell your things online and make money by using classifieds websites, creating an e-store for your business, less physical meet-ups, or selling on social media.

If you are looking to sell your things online, there are many platforms that you can use. You can list items on classifieds websites like Craigslist or use the one you are right now! Yup we offer free advertising. If you want to create an e-store for your business, that can also be done through this website. 

Avoid physical contact during initial stages

You might be thinking that you have to meet every individual that you have to deal with, which is a hassle. There might be businesses that require you to meet the individuals who want to buy your products, but using online websites takes care of the ā€˜initial stagesā€™ and makes life easier. 

You can coordinate with the individual/businesses using the website chat option, etc and then only meet physically once you have an agreement. It goes without saying, you will save a lot of time, especially when you deal with multiple products/services with multiple people interested to deal with you.


Itā€™s 2022, businesses online are booming and the culture of negotiation and initial meetings with clients is fading away. Using useful online websites, especially classifieds websites that do not charge you to sell your products and services, are the way forward. Open an e-store or simply sell your old things that you donā€™t use anymore; you would be amazed to find out how much you can earn by sitting at home and doing this. So what are you waiting for? Letā€™s get started! 

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